Please call at least 24 hours in advance with any appointment
cancellations or changes to avoid charges.


New Patient Information

I Stock 970078502

Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday
(406) 586-5511
(406) 586-4713

New patients seeking psychiatric care are encouraged to call our office to set up an initial evaluation appointment. We will ask for general contact and insurance information; additional prescreening questions may also be asked if seeking suboxone treatment. If you have insurance that is not listed as one of our in-network providers, we will give you the option of submitting to your out-of-network deductible; however, insurance may not cover this claim and your balance will be higher. Please bring a copy of your insurance card to your appointment, or, if you are a cash patient be prepared to make the initial appointment fee before the day of your appointment. If you cannot afford the full initial price, we are more than willing to work with you on setting up a payment plan.

Please call the office for more information at (406) 586-5511.

Cash Prices:

  • Initial evaluation appointment: $200, half down at time of scheduling
  • QEEG and Results: $200, half down at time of scheduling
  • Individual Neurofield treatments: $50
  • TMS treatments: $500 for initial visit, $150 for each treatment. Bundle option available.
  • Prices may vary for certain treatment options

If you would like to complete the initial paperwork before your appointment, please print out the available document and bring it with you. Otherwise, we ask that you arrive approximately 15-20 minutes early the day of to complete the paperwork in the office.

Intake Packets

Adult Intake Packet

Self-Pay Fee Schedule

Self-Pay Fee Schedule

Additional Forms
Clinic Contract
Self-Pay/Insurance Waiver Form
Neurofeedback Consent for Treatment
Ketamine Consent for Treatment

Authorization to Use & Disclose Personal Health Information

In-Network Insurance Providers:

Montana Medicaid
View Website

Mountain Health Co-op
View Website